
Jídlo a pití

Příjemný oběd s kolegy, rychlá sváča ve fastfoodu, nebo nákup dobrot do ledničky na doma? Jídlo je zkrátka radost! Tak si rozmazlete chuťové pohárky a užijte si svoje e‑stravenky na plno. V restauracích a potravinách můžete platit v případě, pokud vám zaměstnavatel poskytuje e‑stravenky Benefit Plus. Pokud tedy máte pouze volnočasové benefity, těmi v restauracích a potravinách bohužel nezaplatíte.

How does it work?

  • You can find your current e‑voucher balance on the mobile app or in the cafeteria.
  • You can find full instructions on how to use e‑vouchers by logging into cafeteria.
  • If you don't want to keep track of your current e‑voucher balance, simply connect a private credit card inside cafeteria. The difference will then be automatically paid from this card.
Why are e-meal vouchers beneficial (0:45)

What do you need to know before you pay for the first time?

  1. Every month, a new batch of e‑vouchers lands in your inbox.
  2. You can pay with e‑vouchers at most restaurants or grocery stores. But beware, you can only pay for food and soft drinks with them.
  3. When you pay, you just need to attach the card to the payment terminal.

Frequently Asked Questions

See frequently asked questions to e-meals


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